Join Sergio and Janel for a Restorative Sound Bath workshop on Saturday November 9 from 2 to 4 pm in our Otay Location.
Sound Bath Meditation, an afternoon of pure bliss. Enjoy this restorative as well as energizing practice with these amazing instructors.
Lay back, relax, and decompress as Sergio guides you through several restorative postures and Janel surrounds you with the relaxing vibrations of sound bowls. Join Janel and Sergio for this 75 minute restorative and sound bath followed by tea and journaling.
Restorative Yoga is the practice of yoga poses supported by blankets, bolsters, and blocks to create a feeling of safety while relaxing and settling into their breath.
A Sound Bath is a meditative journey that involves various instruments, each varying in vibrations and frequencies that will lead your body into total relaxation as your brain moves into a theta brain state and bring your body to a sense of peace.
Cost is $45 per person, member discounts apply.
Otay Location. Members of both studios and non-members welcome.